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HomeAssociationsABC Carolinas outlines NC legislative priorities

ABC Carolinas outlines NC legislative priorities

Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) of the Carolinas has offered a “status update on major legislation that we’ve been tracking.”

H. 819 – Protect NC Right to Work Constitutional AmendmentABC Supports

Filed in the House on April 11 by Rep. Burr, Dixon, Presnell, and Millis (co-sponsors include Rep. Blust, Boswell, Cleveland, Conrad, Ford, Grange, Destin Hall, K. Hall, Iler, Bert Jones, Pittman, and Steinburg)
Status: Passed third reading, referred to Senate Committee on Rules (4/27/17)
House Bill 819 would submit an amendment to the North Carolina Constitution to voters in the November 2018 election. The proposed amendment would prohibit employers from requiring employees to join a labor organization, to refrain from joining a labor organization, or to pay dues to a labor organization as a condition of employment.
Click here to view H. 819.

H. 866 – Public School Building Bond Act of 2017 – ABC monitoring
Filed in the House on April 20, 2017 by Rep. Johnson, Horn, Corbin, and Carney
Status: Passed first reading, Re-ref to Finance Committee (5/16/17)
HB 866 establishes a bond referendum for consideration by the voters on the November 2018 ballot, whether to issue $1.9 billion in bonds to provide construction grants to school districts statewide.
Click here to view H. 866

H. 600 – School Construction Flexibility – ABC supports
Filed in the House on April 5, 2017 by Rep. Bell, Lewis, Brenden Jones, and Goodman
Status: Passed third reading, referred to Senate Committee on Rules (4/27/17)
HB 600 would allow certain local boards of education to use all funds allotted by the State Board of Education (except for those allotted for classroom teachers and teacher assistants) to be used to pay lease payments. The bill would also add additional requirements for local school boards of education prior to entering into operational leases. Finally, the bill would make modifications to the Qualified Zone Academy Bond (QZAB) program regarding prioritization and conditions of use.
Click here to view H. 600

H. 650 – State Board Construction Contract Claim – ABC supports
Filed in the House on April 6 by Rep. Arp, Brody, Boswell, and Millis
Status: Passed third reading, referred to Senate Committee on Rules (4/25/17)
HB 650 would provide time periods in which the Director of the Office of State Construction must issue a final order allowing or denying a contractors verified written claim. The act would become effective Jan. 1, 2018, and would apply to verified claims submitted on or after that date.
Click here to view H. 650

H. 646 – ApprenticeshipNC – ABC monitoring
Filed in the House on April 6 by Rep. Martin, Horn, Conrad, and Brody
Status: Passed third reading. Ref to Senate committee on Rules (4/25/2017)
HB 646 would transfer the administration of the Apprenticeship Program from the Department of Commerce to the Community Colleges System Office.
Click here to view H. 646

H. 707 – Lien Agent/Notice of Cancellation – ABC monitoring
Filed in the House on April 10 by Rep. Jordan, Stevens, and B. Turner
Status: Passed third reading. Re-referred to Senate Judiciary Committee (5/16/17)
HB 707 or the “Proposed Committee Substitute to House Bill 707” would allow a potential lien claimant to cancel and renew a Notice to Lien Agent by using the Internet Web site approved by the designated lien agent.
The PCS would require cancellation of the Notice to Lien Agent under certain circumstances, provide a process to renew a Notice to Lien Agent, explain that the cancellation and renewal are done on a Web site, set a five-year renewal period, and clarify that canceling a Notice to Lien Agent does not cancel a claim of lien on real property or affect priority of lien rights.
Click here to view H. 707

S. 407 – Employee Misclassification Reform – ABC monitoring
Filed in the Senate on March 28 by Sen. Wells
Status: Passed third reading. Referred to House Committee on Rules (4/27/17)
HB 407 would enact the Employee Fair Classification Act that formally creates the Employee Classification Section (Section) within the Industrial Commission. The Section is authorized to receive complaints of employee misclassification, investigate complaints, coordinate investigations by other State agencies, exchange information among State agencies, and report the results of these investigations.
House Bill 407 would also require State occupational licensing boards to include on every application for a license: (1) a certification that the applicant has read a notice statement on employee misclassification and (2) disclosure of any investigations for employee misclassification.
Click here to view S. 407

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